Your Pet is Unique, it's needs are unique as well
Vaccination recommendations and protocols are continually changing as our understanding of immunology improves.
While booster vaccinations should ideally be replaced by immunologic testing of vaccination titers, the cost of testing is often practically overridden by the lesser cost of vaccinations.
The concept of boosters may change as our understanding of immunologic competence increases.
Vaccine protocols of the past 50 years are coming under scrutiny. There is no perfect schedule; schedules should be individualized to your pet's age, size, and unique needs.

In general, puppies and kittens receive maternal antibodies from their early days nursing and ingesting colostrum.
This protection usually lasts for at least 6 to 9 weeks and interferes with the ability of vaccinations to impart protection. Most maternal antibodies have diminished by 16 weeks of age.
That's why puppy and kitten vaccinations should begin about 8 to 9 weeks of age (earlier if maternal protection is doubtful) and continue until at least 16 weeks of age or older.
Parvo vaccinations may need to be continued until 18 weeks.
Vaccinations should not be given in intervals any less than 2 weeks; they are ideally given every 3 to 4 weeks.
Core Feline Vaccines:
FVRCP & Rabies
8 weeks: FVRCP
12 weeks: FVRCP, possibly FeLV
16 weeks: FVRCP, possibly FeLV
20 weeks: Rabies, 1 year
Adult cats:
6 months to 12 months later*:
FVRCP, possibly FeLV
FVRCP every 3 years,
FeLV yearly if indicated
Rabies every year
*Alternatively titer testing to avoid vaccinations.
Rabies vaccination is determined by state law; cats should receive the special (non-adjuvanted) 1-year vaccine to reduce the risk of fibrosarcoma cancer at the site of vaccination.

Core Canine Vaccines:
Distemper, Adeno2/Hepatitis, Parvo. Rabies
Bordetella, Parainfluenza, Leptospirosis, Lyme, Influenza H3N2 & H3N8, and Rattlesnake
8 weeks: DA2PP
12 weeks: DA2PP, possibly Lepto
16 weeks: DA2PP, possibly Lepto
20 weeks: parvo recommended
24 weeks: Rabies 1 year
Non-Core vaccines as indicated:
Bordetella, Lyme, Influenza, Rattlesnake
Rabies vaccines are determined by state law.
Adult dogs:
6 months to 12 months later*:
DA2PP, non-core vaccinations as indicated, and Rabies.
*Alternatively titer testing to avoid over vaccinations.
After that, dogs are typically revaccinated every 3 years for DHPP and Rabies.
Non-core vaccinations are typically given yearly.