Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy offers your pet relief from aches and pains and allows your pet to heal faster after surgery or injury. Laser provides a non-invasive, pain-free, drug-free, and surgery-free option to increase comfort, decrease pain, decrease swelling and inflammation, and speed healing without medication side effects. Class IV Laser therapy is considered the most effective.
Relief and/or improvement are often noticed within hours depending on the condition being treated and your pet’s individual response. The length and frequency of treatments can vary from a single treatment to multiple treatments depending on your pet’s medical condition.
Whether performed alone or in conjunction with additional therapies, Laser Therapy can make a great impact on a pet’s quality of life and offers an effective treatment for pain management.
If your pet is affected by age, disease, or injury, making it difficult to perform everyday activities such as walking, running, or climbing stairs, physical rehabilitation may offer relief.
Physical Rehabilitation is a powerful treatment that can enhance your pet’s quality of life through movement, exercise, and fitness. Rehabilitation is used to reduce and manage pain, treat injuries, reduce the risk of further injury, restore and maintain movement and mobility, improve function for daily living, improve range of motion of the joints and limbs, improve muscle strength, coordination and agility, and helping your pet recover from surgery.